Liminal, 26" x 40", acrylic and graphite on paper, 2020, SOLD

Red Flags, 26" x 40", acrylic and graphite on paper, 2020 SOLD

Algorithmic, 22” x 30”, acrylic and graphite on paper, 2020 SOLD

Forse L’Amo, 22” x 30”, acrylic and graphite on paper, 2020 SOLD

Types of Distance, 26” x 40”, acrylic and graphite on paper, 2020

Grand Plans, 26” x 40”, acrylic and graphite on paper, 2020 SOLD

Sharpening The Trip, 26” x 40”, acrylic and graphite on paper, 2020 SOLD

Pessimistic Optimism, 26” x 40”, acrylic, ink and graphits on paper, 2020

Do the Math, 26” x 40”, acrylic and graphite on paper, 2020